A new audience and benefits to retailers
Attracting a new audience
Jackpocket is attracting a new demographic to the lottery: younger, tech-savvy professionals. This is a group that is accustomed to on-demand digital services and currently underserved by retailers.
Studies have also shown that the convenience of online lottery play does not negatively impact retailer sales. In fact, it may be the opposite as Michigan retails sales increased after online play was introduced:
Michigan iLottery not cannibalizing traditional sales
The Michigan Lottery projects that it will generate $480 million during the first eight years of online games. The internet games have not cannibalized sales from retailers. "There is no indication that the online games are affecting sales at our 11,000 retailers," said Holyfield. "In fact, we continue to see sales growing in all channels."
John Mehaffey, 5.26.2015
Jackpocket Retailer Locator

With the Jackpocket app, users can find their nearest lottery retailer. Our in-app map has every lottery retailer in the United States, British Columbia, and Ontario.
Users can choose to get directions or even order an Uber or Lyft right to a retailer.