
Virginia Lottery Results & Winning Numbers

Get the latest Virginia lottery results and winning numbers for all state games including: Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5, Cash4Life, Cash 5, Powerball & Mega Million.

Virginia Lottery Drawing Schedule

Draw Times

Mega Millions4:00 AM4:00 AM
Cash 5 Day7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM
Pick 3 Day7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM
Pick 4 Day7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM
Cash 5 Night4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM
Bank a Million4:00 AM4:00 AM
Pick 4 Night4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM
Pick 3 Night4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM4:00 AM
Money Ball4:00 AM4:00 AM
Powerball3:59 AM3:59 AM3:59 AM
Cash 4 Life2:00 AM2:00 AM2:00 AM2:00 AM2:00 AM2:00 AM2:00 AM
All times shown are in Coordinated Universal Time (GMT+0)


About the Virginia State Lottery

The Virginia lottery was established in 1987 after being approved by the voting public. Lotto lovers have a number of games to choose from. Part of the proceeds help fund K-12 educational opportunities in the state. The Virginia Lottery generates about $2.3 million daily for its schools.