
Vermont (VT) Lottery Results & Winning Numbers

Get the latest Vermont lottery results and winning numbers for all state games including: Gimme 5, Lucky For Life, Pick 3, Pick 4, Powerball & Mega Millions

Vermont Lottery Drawing Schedule

Draw Times

Powerball3:59 AM3:59 AM3:59 AM
Hot Lotto3:40 AM3:40 AM
Megabucks Plus12:59 AM12:59 AM12:59 AM
Lucky For Life3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM
Gimme 511:59 PM11:59 PM11:59 PM11:59 PM11:59 PM
Pick 3 Evening11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM
Pick 4 Evening11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM11:55 PM
Pick 4 Day6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM
Pick 3 Day6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM6:10 PM
All times shown are in Coordinated Universal Time (GMT+0)

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Vermont State Lottery

Vermonters voted for state-run games of chance in the late 1970s. This program started by helping the state with its overall budget, but since 1998, all the money it makes goes towards the Vermont Education Fund. In 2022, $31,136,102 went to the Vermont Education Fund, $100,687,914 in prizes went to players, and $9,113,091 went to retailers in commissions.