
Montana Lottery Results & Winning Numbers

Get the latest Montana lottery results and winning numbers for all state games including: Montana Cash, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Big Sky Bonus, Powerball & Mega Millions.

Montana Lottery Drawing Schedule

Mega Millions4:00 AM4:00 AM
10 Spot Midday7:30 PM7:30 PM7:30 PM7:30 PM7:30 PM7:30 PM7:30 PM
Lotto America4:15 AM4:15 AM4:15 AM
Powerball3:59 AM3:59 AM3:59 AM
Wild Card3:40 AM3:40 AM
Hot Lotto3:40 AM3:40 AM
Lucky For Life3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM3:38 AM
Montana Cash3:00 AM3:00 AM
10 Spot Evening2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM
Big Sky Bonus2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM2:30 AM
All times shown are in Coordinated Universal Time (GMT+0)


About the Montana State Lottery

The Montana lottery was approved by voters in 1986 and sold its first ticket on June 24, 2027. The first lottery game on offer was a $1 Scratch game called Pot of Gold. Now, Montana lottery results include a variety of scratch games, Lotto America, Lucky for Life, Powerball, Mega Millions and local favorites including Montana Cash and Big Sky Bonus.

Proceeds from the Montana lottery go into the state’s general fund, which helps to fund programs such as public education, safety, and health programs for the citizens of Montana. Since its inception, $320 million dollars has been returned to the state.

How to Claim Your Winnings in Montana

If you ordered your ticket with Jackpocket we will credit your account with your winnings up to $599.99. 

For larger prizes, we will arrange to securely send you your ticket, so you can claim your prize with the Montana State Lottery. Prizes of $600 or more may be claimed by mail or in person at the Montana Lottery office in Helena.

Tickets must be claimed within six months of the date of the drawing.